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Job growth and security

September 7, 2021
Alabama, Florida, Georgia. Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi
North Carolina, South Carolina Tennessee, Puerto Rico
4100 Perimeter Park S Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Phone: 404-296-5553 Fax: 404-299-6165
TO: AT&T SE & Mobility Local Presidents District 3
FROM: Richard Honeycutt
Vice President – District 3
RE: CWA Agreement with AT&T
I want to share with you the key provisions that will help us turn the page on job growth and job security for many of our members.
For the first time ever, after years of attrition of the technician workforce, there will be a nationwide watermark on technician jobs -- both core and premises/wire technician jobs -- that AT&T must maintain at least through the end of 2023. This means that, unless there are at least 29,014 technicians across the country, when a person in these titles leaves employment for any reason, they must be replaced, opening up job opportunities and protecting against out-of-control contracting-out. There will be no involuntary surpluses declared among the outside technician workforce through the end of 2023, and, if there is a surplus of titles in a geographic location where other work can be performed, any shift in duties or titles, must follow specific rules: honoring seniority, not forcing anyone to relocate, follow force imbalance rules under the CBA, no loss in pay or benefits, and other protections.
The company has also committed to posting and filling at least 6,000 customer care job requisitions through the end of 2023.
In addition, AT&T will honor our card check and neutrality agreement for the new IHX workforce within Mobility. Through this agreement, over 3,000 workers have gained organizing rights -- free from company interference -- to win a voice at work.
Finally, AT&T has agreed to make Martin Luther King Jr Day a holiday across all bargaining units.
With these commitments on jobs, CWA will work collaboratively with AT&T to make sure the company continues to play a key role in the buildout, maintenance, and support of the nation’s broadband infrastructure. We will cooperate in regulatory and legislative efforts to secure funding to create jobs and connect more homes and businesses to the network. We will meet with the company on a regular basis to review public-private partnership opportunities to grow AT&T’s telecommunications presence and keep our members employed.
The pandemic has been a wake-up call for the entire country about the importance of broadband infrastructure. Work-from-home and remote education have proven to be critical to fighting the virus while keeping the economy moving.

The Biden Administration and Congress, along with the states, are pressing for more infrastructure buildout. Thanks to your legislative and electoral efforts, for the first time ever, federal broadband funds are tied to workers’ rights and safety.
With these commitments and your continued engagement on broadband at the state and local level, we can ensure that our members at AT&T will be doing this work -- and more of it.
In solidarity,
cc: Nick Hawkins, Assistant to the Vice President
Billy O’Dell, Administrative Director to the Vice President Angie Wells, Administrative Director to the Vice President Robert Weaver, District 3 Legal Counsel
District 3 Staff & Secret


